
Goals for this Course

Note: the following list is taken from the Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) College Report (2016), endorsed by the American Statistical Society, which are intended to “summarize what a student should know and understand at the conclusion of a first course in statistics.”

  1. Students should become critical consumers of statistically-based results reported in popular media, recognizing whether reported results reasonably follow from the study and analysis conducted.

  2. Students should be able to recognize questions for which the investigative process in statistics would be useful and should be able to answer questions using the investigative process.

  3. Students should be able to produce graphical displays and numerical summaries and interpret what graphs do and do not reveal.

  4. Students should recognize and be able to explain the central role of variability in the field of statistics.

  5. Students should recognize and be able to explain the central role of randomness in designing studies and drawing conclusions.

  6. Students should gain experience with how statistical models, including multivariable models, are used.

  7. Students should demonstrate an understanding of, and an ability to use, basic ideas of statistical inference, both hypothesis tests and interval estimation, in a variety of settings.

  8. Students should be able to interpret and draw conclusions from standard output from statistical software packages.

  9. Students should demonstrate an awareness of ethical issues associated with sound statistical practice.


Students should have successfully taken Algebra 2 before taking this class.

Contact Info

For questions or more information please contact Bert Loosmore.